Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cellulite and Stretch Mark Remover Scrub Recipe

"Here is the secret to
reducing your cellulite and stretch marks.  Are you ready to join the
thousands who know it?"

How many times have you turned down an invitation to the beach?—Once or twice?

I’m sure it’s more than that. It’s difficult to flaunt your body, no matter how fit you are, if you have something to hide. If that something is stretch marks or fatty cellulite's, then you are not alone. There are many out there who would refuse to wear shorts, sleeveless shirts, and other skin revealing clothing not because they’re not fit, but because they’re ashamed of their stretch marks and cellulite's.
Imagine if you could get rid of these nasty marks and fatty on your arms, abdominal area, or legs. You could:
  • Wear those short shorts again.
  • Show off in that favorite dress you still fit in.
  • Display how good your body really looks.
  • Regain that self confidence on your body.
  • Hit the beach without feeling so conscious on how your skin looks.
When it comes to stretch marks, you’ll also need to consider the age of the marks. So will you wait for the lines on your skin to age more? There are so many who have decided not to.

Here's a "Hollywood secret" for getting rid of that disgusting 

extra jiggle and stretchy marks...... oil, sugar and coffee 

grinds!   Take about a half cup or so of yesterday's USED 

coffee grinds (NOT decaffeinated!) and mix them together 

with brown sugar, just a little bit of baby oil and put the 

mixture in an old nylon stocking. Or you can rub it using 

your hand.

There is nothing to lose. Just try my alternative way to GET RID OF FATTY CELLULITE'S and STRETCHMARKS.
All you need is these:



Take a glass of bowl and mix together the ingredients.  You can add more oil, or coffee grinds or sugar depending on the consistency you like.

Rub vigorously over troubled areas for 10 mins before getting into shower! Do this three times a week and watch the cellulite and stretchmarks disappear!


Everyone is asking about the effect of this mixture, so in order for you to understand what I've said in my comments, it varies on your skin type and how thick is your stretch mark. In my case, my stretch mark is lighter and not so thick. It says they're to reduce not totally to get rid of your stretch mark. Just to tighten and lighten it!

And for 1 year of using it these is the result:

*some photos credit to photopin city

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Parents initial reaction????   STOP STOP STOP.  I don't wanna talk about it.  OMG .  PAUSED>>>>

The age of puberty.   Whatever the reasons for this, reaching puberty influences the age of first love and first sexual experience. It is rare now to marry a first love. Today's teenagers date not for mate selection but for fun. However, the first love experience is no less powerful than it was in the 1940's.  Well we have to face facts now.  Teenagers are hard to follow, if they feel the so called LOVE then that's it!!!  Parents should be there to guide them.  

Even more belittled by many parents is a teenager's (or preteen's) love for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Adults refer to these relationships with demeaning language, calling them "just puppy love," and these romantic bonds are not taken seriously. Parents question the ability of teenagers to know what love is, yet they accept their teenagers' statements, "I love you, Mom & Dad," with full appreciation and at face value. If adults accept that teenagers can love parents truly, then shouldn't they also accept that teen romances are "real" love?

REAL LOVE?  I have a daughter who is now on her teenage years, seeing and observing her, my little darling, my beautiful daughter has grown up into a strong, confident woman who knows her own mind.  She is fond of telling stories about her crushes in and outside the school.  But I keep on telling her, well that is not real love, just a "puppy love" (hope it stay like that).  <crossing my fingers>....

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Girl waiting with flowers Photograph by Mikael Gambitt
Waiting for the right person to come along.

A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other...Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever”.

But we have to be ready for that physically, mentally and spiritually.  

Pink Blossoms