Monday, February 25, 2013

Can't Sit After Eating

Can't sit after eating because it will make
your tummy big.  MYTH or NOT?

photo credit: yarnivore via photopin cc

I know we need to walk or stand right after we eat our meal for easily digestion of foods but sitting down is a big NO for some of our old folks will say, "It will make your tummy bigger".

So far I don't have big tummy but I don't know if later on I will have.  Some are saying that it is just a MYTH.  So nonsense because because our body doesn't stop it's metabolic function in digesting foods because of the position we have,sitting or lying down.

Well, if does so I don't have to get worry anymore. All I need is to do work out and have healthy lifestyle.  What makes our tummy bigger is by consuming more fat calories without burning them through daily exercise.     


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This is what I've heard from a group of girls here in our community, our relationship is just a "PSEUDO RELATIONSHIP".   WHAT???? This is the first time I encounter such WORD.

A relationship that almost like a relationship, but not quite.  Got me?  Hahahahaha.....

Okay let us define PSEUDO here, a GREEK WORD means falsehood, almost, approaching, or trying to is just like a "WE'RE JUST FRIENDS SYNDROME".  As in NO EXPECTATIONS, NO DISAPPOINTMENT.

photo credit: stephanie.says via photopin cc

This has become a trend here in our society, I've heard this kind of relationship with so many actresses and actors. And now heard it here just in front of me.

You can get upset, hurt or cry in pain but can't deliberately burst it into public.  You tend to hide it and concealed it.

In a PSEUDO RELATIONSHIP there is NO SUCH a thing a word "US" or "WE".  There is love because of "YOU" and "ME"...a great LOVE that binds two people but NO LABEL, NO GUARANTEES or NO FUTURE PLAN at all. Even if you're in pain you cannot complain because there is no one to hear your complaints.

photo credit: Michael Sarver via photopin cc

So unfair!!!! Don't like this kind of a relationship.  But I believe with the saying that...  

Do whatever you want in your life as long as you're HAPPY and SATISFIED.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Putting DENTAL BRACES is uncomfortable.  In short NO FUN AT ALL!  You cannot eat properly and it is really a discomfort feeling as if that weren't bad enough, you are afraid to SMILE.

photo credit: -MONICA via photopin cc

Most of our kids today needs dental care, as I read from UNICEF PHILIPPINES, there are children need to have dental help specifically their nutritional and health care.

How can a child have that GOOD SMILE if these braces will just give them discomfort?

According to the dentist of my daughter; even if it hurts just always smile because braces will not stay forever.  Put a happy attitude and boost your SELF-ESTEEM.  And get some inspirations. Like people who wore braces but now they are rich and famous, and have that BIG AND BEAUTIFUL SMILE.

photo credit: stacya via photopin cc