Saturday, November 30, 2013

How Do You Eat Your Fruits

photo credit: Bright Meadow via photopin cc

Eating fruits is important to our overall well being.  Fruits is Health, we all know that but it's good to know that eating fruits we should conform to the guidelines.  

I know this is not the right way of eating fruits, banana with mayonnaise or pineapple wrapped in a ham.  It's not exactly putting everything into your mouth and that's it your healthy already.

According to a famous Indian Nutritionist Naiini Setalvad, the best time of eating fruits is first thing in the morning after a glass of water.  It is not good to eat fruits after meal because the nutrients of the fruits will not absorbed by the body and it will not digest properly. You must leave 30 minutes gap between a meal in a fruit snack.

In my case, I have a acidity (digestive) problem I eat fruits one hour before the meal or two hours after the meal. This is what others do especially those who have diabetes, because they are accompanied with digestive problems as well.

Learning so many things about how do you eat your fruits from Dr. Setalvad:

1.) First time to know that if you have stomach acidity problem you have to discourage yourself to eat fruits with yogurt or mayonnaise but there is no harm in mixing fruits with fruits or mixing them with food grains.

2.) Avoid eating fruit close to bedtime this will boost your energy, fruits are rich in sugar that will keep you awake.

In for the smoothie lovers make sure that the fruits you drink are fresh, because fruits have shelf-life of up to three days if stored in refrigerator.

  • BANANA - 3-4 days
  • APPLE - up to a week
  • PEARS - 5-6 days
  • PAPAYA - 2-3 days(but it will depend how ripe is the papaya)
  • CHIKO - 2 days depends on the ripeness  

Want to know more about fruits? Follow THE TIMES OF INDIA